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Pega and GenAI: Transforming Business Automation with AI-Powered Insights
Pega and GenAI: Transforming Business Automation with AI-Powered Insights In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are constant...
Queue Processor and Job Scheduler in Pega
P ega Job Sched uler and Que ue Processor provide enhanced scal ability and performance for P ega Platform . The Job Sched...
What are Access Deny rules in Pega
Access Den y rules in P ega are security rules used to define user access restrictions to system data . These rules det...
What is Case Management in Pega?
Case Management in P ega is an approach to managing a process , such as a customer service request , order processing o...
What Case locking in Pega?
Case locking in P ega is a feature used to ensure data integrity and prevent conflicts between users when editing a pa...
What is Synchonous and Asynchronous Processing in Pega?
S ynchronous processing occurs when a request has to be fulfilled before a response is generated . For example , when a ...
What are stateful and stateless processing modes in Service package
State ful processing mode is where a Service Package remembers data between two requests from a client . This data is s...
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