
On-premises Pega upgrade

 The process of upgrading an existing on-premises Pega deployment generally consists of the following steps:

1. Preparing the Environment: Before starting the upgrade process, ensure that the environment is ready and any pre-requisite activities are met. 2. Backing Up Existing Data: As a good practice, it is important to take a backup of the existing Pega system, including the entire production and non-production databases, applications and files. 3. Performing the Upgrade: Download the latest version of the Pega software and install it in the existing environment. Update the schema for all the databases to bring it to the latest version. 4. Testing the Upgraded Environment: It is important to test the upgraded environment on a test system before deploying it to the production environment. This will help identify potential bugs, errors and compatibility issues. 5. Deploying the Upgraded System: After testing the upgraded system and fixing any issues, deploy the upgraded system to the production environment. 6. Updating the Documentation: Update the release management and system management documentation to accurately reflect the latest version.

process for upgrading on-premises Pega systems depends on the type of Pega deployment, its size, and the version to which it is being upgraded. Generally, however, the following steps should be taken to successfully upgrade a Pega installation: 1. Planning: Start by doing research to determine the most suitable upgrade path and actions required. Any customizations or rules should be reviewed and any deprecated features must be addressed before upgrading. 2. Preparation: The current version of the system should be backed up, and an appropriate testing/development environment should be created. 3. Testing: The new version should be tested to make sure that it is functioning properly in the test environment before being deployed in production. 4. Deployment: The new version can be deployed to the production environment. 5. Verification: After deploying the new version, Pega should be tested to ensure that everything works as expected and that all customizations are intact. 6. Post Implementation: After everything is verified, the new version should go through a final approval for use before it can be used in production.

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