
Difference between WHEN rule and Access WHEN in Pega

 When Rule is used to produce a conditional outcome or to decide when to run an activity or to make a decision. It can route documents to the different teams depending on the value in the document fields.

Access When Rule is used to restrict users from accessing a page rules and data. It specifies users who can access the pages and tasks by providing conditions. This rule is mostly used when a user has access to multiple pages.

When rule: When rules are one of the most commonly used Declarative Rules in prPC. The When rule is used to define conditions that trigger a set of actions, typically connected to flow execution. When Rules also have triggers to decide when the conditions should be evaluated. Access When: Access When rules in Pega are used to set condition when an operator should be allowed to gain access to a specific data page or clipboard page. This type of rule is used to restrict the viewing or manipulation of data or processes in prPC. Access When Rules are similar to Access Group Rules as they control when an operator should be allowed access to a data page or clipboard page. However, Access Group Rules control access to all data pages and clipboard pages in a single application.

Rules A When Rule is used to set business conditions that must be true in order to pass the test. It is a type of Rule with the purpose of actively controlling when certain activities and processes may be initiated or completed. These rules are defined using the Decision Table or Decision Tree rules and are used to control the paths that a Requestor may take and the actions or activities that are allowed. Access When An Access When rule is used to decide when a user can see or access objects by setting up conditions that must be met before the user can see or edit the object. This is an important tool when implementing security restrictions for certain types of data or objects. The rule is typically configured using Decision Tables and can be used to restrict access to different Applications and/or process flows.

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