

Rule Availability:

How to change Rule Availability?

To change the availability setting of a rule, click the Availability toolbar button ().

We may need to check out the rule first. A dialog box appears.

Select one of five Availability values

Yes, No,/Draft Mode, Blocked, Final, Withdrawn.


Class, library, RuleSet Name, and RuleSet version rules are always available. We cannot change the availability of instances of these rule types.

Rules in an override, RuleSet cannot have availability values of Blocked or Withdrawn.


Explain if the Rule Availability set as YES?

A circle and dot indicate that this rule is available. Rules with a Yes value is visible to rule resolution processing and can be executed.


Explain if the Rule Availability set as No/Draft Mode?

An empty circle indicates a rule that is not available. Set the Availability of a rule to No/Draft Mode to cause the rule to become invisible to the rule resolution algorithm for all users (including our self), and to bypass the validation of non-key fields. The No/Draft Mode setting is useful in experimentation and troubleshooting to assess the effect of two rule versions.


Explain if Rule Availability set as Final?

A rule is marked as final; no one can create a second rule with the same visible key in any RuleSet other than the RuleSet that the first rule belongs to. If the RuleSet version of a final rule is locked, we cannot create a second rule with the same visible key in any RuleSet.

We can override a final rule through a higher version in the same RuleSet.

Many rules in the Pega-RULES and Pega-ProCom RuleSets are marked Final because the correct operation of these rules is essential to ensure the integrity and security of our system.

Other standard rules have the Available field set to yes rather than final we can override those rules in our application.


We cannot use circumstances or time-qualified rules to override a final rule.


Explain if Rule Availability set as Blocked?

A circle within an X indicates that this rule has Availability set to Blocked. Set the value of this property to Blocked if we want rule resolution processing to halt (with no rule found) when it encounters this rule. The rule form colors change from greens to grays.

This is a stronger form of No/Draft, because it affects all lower-numbered versions of the rule and versions (in other RuleSets) that are below this version in the user’s RuleSet list. A blocked rule does not prevent rule resolution from finding (and running) higher-numbered versions in the same RuleSet or finding rules with the same visible key in a different RuleSet that is higher on the RuleSet list.


Rules in an override, RuleSet cannot have the availability values of Blocked.


 Explain if Rule Availability set as Withdrawn?

A withdrawn rule is never selected by rule resolution.

Withdrawn rule masks from rule resolution any other rules, which meet all of these tests:

  The other rule belongs to the same RuleSet

 The other rule belongs to the same major version of the RuleSet.

 The other rule has the same Applies To class (if relevant and other key parts match)

  If circumstance-qualified is qualified with the same circumstance type and value.


Rules in an override, RuleSet cannot have availability values of Withdrawn.


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