
Pega - Real time Interview Q&A - 3

Define Flow and explain different types of flows available with an example?

Flow: Flow is a graphical representation of the business process that can be with Start Shape and ends at End Shape.

Created under: Process Category

An instance of- Rule-Obj-Flow

Call from activity with Flow-New Method

by using Sub Flow shape we can make a call to the Sub Flow or Screen Flow

Types of Flows:

Process Flow

Sub Flow

Screen Flow

Process Flow:  Every Application Start from the Process Flow. Once the Flow started OW will be generated.  Also, Generated WO is Travers through the Flow (every shape).

Sub Flow: Sub Flow well get started from the Process flow.  Sub flow also creates the WO.

Once the execution process of Sub Flow is completed then the process control moves on to Main flow.

Screen Flow: Used to present series of forms to users with Previous and Next options.  At any point in time user can go to the previous form.

For Ex: Screen flow used to collect information from the user with the help of Questioners

Screen Flow does not create WO.

We cannot start the work from Screen Flow because the “Create New Object” option is disabled in the process tab of Flow.

Explain Inheritance in Pega

Pega Provides 2 types of Inheritances to classes:

Pattern inheritance

Direct Inheritance

Pattern Inheritance:   In a class hierarchy lower-level classes are, inherit the characteristic of high-level classes in the same hierarchy. This type of inheritance is called Pattern Inheritance.

By default pattern, Inheritance applied to every child class. We can disavow this inheritance also.

Directed Inheritance:  This is a Process of Inherent Characteristics of one class into another class by directly assign the class name in the Direct Inheritance column.

Different Terms in PEGA:

Worklist: Every operator has a Worklist, which shows the assigned work to process.

Work Basket: Generally, Department will set up a work Basket to pull the assignments by the users.

Work Group: is an organization structure and used when configuring a Work Basket.

Workbasket and Work Group are connected to each other.

Access Group: Operator ID pointed to an Access Group, which defines- Application, type of Portal, and access role.

Work Parties: These people have interested to know the status of the Work Object.

Classes: it defines the scope and applicability of a rule, it does not hold/store the rule, and it can define how the rules are stored in Ruleset.

Abstract Class: These are the generalized classes that cannot be instanced, meant for reusability and end with “-”, Cannot connect with Table

Concrete Class: are specialized classed which can be instantiated and connected to a Table

Business logic runs from the concrete class only.

Class Group: It is a combination of one or more Abstract classes and the first concrete class in the application.

It inherits characteristics of classes: Work- and Work-Cover-

Explain Rule Availability:

1) Yes: If Rule Availability is equal to Yes, and then Rule is available to a particular set.

2) No/Draft Mode: If Rule Availability is equal to No/Draft Mode, and then Rule is not available to a particular set.

3) Final: If Rule Availability is equal to Final, and then Rule is not overwritten or change in a particular ruleset.

4) Withdrawn: If rule availability is equal to Withdrawn, then Rule is not available to lower version and it is available in current and higher version.

5) Blocked: If Rule availability is equal to Blocked, and then Rule is not available to lower versions of that particular class and inheritance class.

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